Tuesday, March 3, 2009

holding yarn

I'm having trouble finding a comfortable way to hold my yarn. The way I am doing it takes a long time to knit/purl a row..Any help?


  1. I would have to see how you do it. Maybe you can search on youtube for knitting and purling and try and see how they hold the yarn.

  2. I agree with Paula in that I'd have to see how you hold the yarn. I hold the yarn, using my right hand, such that it wraps once around my pinky, goes over the next 2 fingers, and then under and over my index finger, which I point straight out. This gives me enough control over my tension, and when it seems like I'm not getting the right pull or flow, I let the yarn go and rewrap it around my fingers. It's hard to explain. I remember that when I was first learning, it took me a while to arrive at a hold that I was comfortable with.

  3. I do a wrap around my middle finger, it gives just the right amount of tension and I can flip people off without it looking obvious.

  4. Lisa, great that you can multitask while knitting. That takes talent!
