Friday, March 12, 2010

Toe Up Socks on Two Circular Needles

A couple of weeks ago Jim took all the boys on a snowboarding weekend. I had Mary and Lisa over and we had a sock knitting/martini pajama party extravaganza. I made lasagna, Mary brought her homemade bread and Lisa brought a salad with her homemade croutons.

Mary had a very easy toe up sock pattern she shared with us. I will only make socks on two circulars so that I have two finished socks when I am done, otherwise I would never finish the second one.

I really liked the pattern and colors of my sock yarn. It is the Patons brand and very inexpensive. Working with such thin yarn and small needles was challenging. It took me a month to finish the socks and I worked on them for hours at a time. I tend to knit tightly so I had blisters on four of my fingers. Who knew knitting could be so hazardous?

I finally finished the socks and learned a very valuable lesson. DO NOT BIND OFF TOO TIGHT. I went to try on my pretty new socks and could not get them up around my ankles. I almost gave up, but decided to unravel my bind off and redo them with an extremely loose bind off. It was not easy and took me hours last night. Finally they are done and look pretty good!


  1. Mary,
    Do you think we could modify the pattern and make baby socks? I was thinking about making some for Kathy's baby. They would probably knit up fairly quickly. What do you think?

  2. Sure! I've been meaning to make some new socks for Elise downstairs. I can work on the instructions as soon as I finish the socks I'm knitting now. I'll call you tomorrow after my hike if I'm not dead tired by then...
